Privacy and security are the key elements of the Privacy Policy of this site.
GlobalMedia manages the data supplied by users during navigation in compliance to ex art. 13 according to the Regulation (EU) 679/2016 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April, 2016 (GDPR).
The provisions of this decree, which implements European Union directives in Italy regarding the protection of personal data, have replaced the Legislative Decree no. 675 of 31 December, 1996 commonly known as Privacy Law.
The information contained in this website and its attachments may be reserved and are, in any case, intended exclusively for the persons or the company indicated above.
The dissemination, distribution and/or copying of the aforementioned contents is prohibited, both pursuant to art. 616 c.p. and to the European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR).
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